The GRACE Project

Cultural and creative micro-enterprises particularly in tourist areas were gravely affected by COVID-19 due to travel restrictions and the lockdown.
To support these micro-enterprises, the GRACE project will develop an online educational platform with the aim to equip micro-businesses with key digital competences touching upon all business aspects, strengthen digital entrepreneurship and foster a digital hub for creativity and innovation that will put them back on the growth track and mitigate the pandemic’s adverse impact. (2020-1-RO01-KA227-ADU-095722)
Specific Objectives
- Develop the GRACE online educational platform for micro-enterprises to receive training tailored to the needs of the creative and cultural sector
- Equip cultural and creative micro-entrepreneurs with digital competences to successfully position their business in the digital era and advance their competitiveness and growth
- Establish Digital creativity and innovation clusters and networks to strengthen the transfer of knowledge, as well as creative and innovative thinking
- Increase the knowledge and availability of resources for adult educators working in the field so as to be fully equipped in supporting micro-businesses
- Strengthen the transnational policy dialogue on training support of the creative and cultural micro-businesses for their sustainability and growth